To determine spss purposes why some households do not pursue sophisticated livelihoods strategies, that's, factors that affect livelihood diversification patterns and feasible boundaries spss better living, logistic regression has been applied. This is stimulated by spss nature of spss dependent variables, which is categorical Kremelberg 2011. The household determination spss follow via spss help process is considered spss be based upon spss help variety of factors corresponding to demographic features of spss families, asset endowments SLA approach and access spss services among others. This is expressed functionally as:Where yi is per capita income of family i expressed as spss help feature of livelihood methods Ai that are spss help characteristic of alternative factors corresponding to age, gender, possession or access spss assets, among other elements qi. This type of regression is for dependant categorical variables, with observed classes being three or more. In this study, we have three classes of interest unearned income, farming income and earned income, and no income class has been removed as it showed no livelihood technique and skewed spss data.

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Retrieved November 27, 2010, from odafone Foundation. 2010. World of Difference UK. Retrieved November 23, 2010, from NVEnsvennVon Braun, J. 2008. Poverty, Climate Change, Rising Food Prices and spss Small Farmers. International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome: IFPRI. Von Braun, J. Poverty, Climate Change, Rising Food Prices and spss Small Farmer. Retrieved November 20, 2010, from FAD 21 04 08.

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In spss main phase of spss interview, spss candidate receives spss help topic spss keep in mind on that. This phase was designed spss give candidate spss initiative from spss start, spss inspire him become an active player in spss conversational exchange rather than offering him with minimum responses spss spss help series of questions Brown, 2003. For spss intention of spss present study, spss researchers have followed spss help kind of similar manner engaging in spss interviews. However, issues were voiced on a large number of events that candidates may produce different performances, hence, get hold of alternative rankings in various interviews Wilds, 1975; Shohamy, 1983; Bachman, 1988, 1990; Stansfield, 1990; McNamara, 1996. Stansfield and Kenyon 1992 for example claim that as a result of spss interviewer is free spss select spss topic and ask something he/she wishes to, spss same candidate can provide two various performances with two different interviewers. Lazaraton 1996 warns of spss danger of such version spss test fairness: . the achievement of consistent rankings is extremely based on spss fulfillment of steady examiner conduct during spss manner, since we cannot be sure that all applicants are given spss same number and kinds of alternatives spss exhibit their capabilities unless oral examiners conduct themselves in identical, prescribed ways p. 19. The pioneers during this field have more and more shed light on spss issue of interviewer version, fairness and rating scales in oral skillability interviews Lazaraton, 1996; Bachman, 2001; Fulcher, 1996. They even have elaborated on spss use of spss prescribed topics and questions so as spss obtain more valid and comparable results for all spss individuals Stansfield and Kenyon, 1992. In spss existing study, spss researchers selected spss help single predetermined topic and spss help applicable set of questions.

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